
My name is Andrue Coombes, and I live in the State of Massachusetts. There are 298 towns and 53 cities in Massachusetts. It's my goal to visit each and every one of these places, take a picture of myself with the "Entering ___" sign, and interact with both the social and physical geography of the area. In this blog, I will write a story about my visit to each place, and things I did there, as well as post pictures and other things of interest. Hopefully I will complete this within the next few years, and everyone can notice how beautiful things can be in their own state if they just get out of and experience them! Good luck on all of your travels!

-Andrue Coombes

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Whitman! Oh yes! Whitman is always grouped together with adjacent town Hanson to form the dynamic duo WHITMAN-HANSON. It's a very small town, with a lot of nice people! The Chocolate Chip Cookie was accidentally invented here by Ruth Wakefield in 1933! The Toll House Inn Sign is still up here too! (Pics Soon) This town may be small, but it's got heart!

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