In the search for the elusive town of Gosnold, I came across a wonderful little town that I have been to before, Mashpee! Mashpee is a cozy cape town with a rich history. It is said that when Mashpee was settled in 1658, the missionaries that were there tried to coexist (somewhat) with the natives that lived there. Conflicts arose due to the fact that Europeans came in and sorta told the Wompanoags that they would only be able to live on a little square of land far away. The Native American pride still runs through this town as they have an Annual Pow Wow, which I believe I have once attended.
Mashpee is home the extremely expensive Mashpee Commons, which I think I may have once bought a Candy Bar at, but probably for about 12 times the cost of one at Shaws.
Mashpee is also home to the Mashpee Wompanoag Tribal Museum, which just this month, reopened to the public, after nearly ten years of being closed. It is located on Route 130 in Mashpee.
Also located on Route 130 is the 4-H Club Camp Farley, which I stayed at overnight for a week in 1999. While it would most definitely be rad to be outdoors in the wild now, when I was 8 years old, it was such a traumatizing experience! There were spiders on everything I owned, I fell down the side of a hill and hit some rocks resulting on a large scar on my knee, and I refused to change my clothes due to bugs. It was also the first place I ever heard a reference to Juggalos, which was quite bizarre as well. All in all, Mashpee is a fun place.
Fun Facts:
-Mashpee is the ONLY town on the cape that hasn't had a railroad running through it!
-The name Mashpee comes from the native name "mass-nippe" which means "Great" and "Water", a reference to Wakeby Lake!
-85 Percent of the Wompanoag People live within 20 miles of the Wompanoag Tribal Museum!
-Camp Farley both scared the crap out of me (literally, my parents had to bring me extra clothes) and made me realize that the outdoors can be fun if you know what to do. Thanks?